Comprehensive realisation of buildings and technological units that demand high levels of environmental purity and technological media.
We provide comprehensive realisation of buildings and technological units that demand high levels of environmental purity and technological media, such as production facilities for microelectronics, optics or automotive industry. Thanks to our many years' experience and our team of professionals, we are able to meet the needs of facilities with diverse and often highly demanding production environments. We will construct for you large-capacity halls with controlled purity, special workplaces with the strictest demands on air cleanliness, temperature and humidity parameters. A design and planning team consisting of your process technologists and our specialist designers optimises the entire process for you from the point of view of energy requirements and minimising environmental impact.

Turnkey facilities
Complex services and realization in full: Consultancy and guidance, securing financing, planning activities, development and production, implementation, engineering services, qualification and validation, service.

Rooms with a required purity class
We have our own system for the complex construction of rooms demanding the highest degree of cleanliness in the working environment pertaining to the prevention of particle contamination.

Rooms compliant to strict microclimatic conditions
Special production and assembly workplaces with exacting demands on temperature and relative humidity conditions and on air flow rate.

Assembly halls and workspaces with high demands on A/C systems
Assembly halls, ventilated workplaces and storage rooms with high demands on HVAC systems.

Built-in laboratories, supply of laboratory furnishings, equipment and accessories.

Accompanying facilities
Administrative facilities, storage rooms, restrooms, other necessary facilities.

Heating, ventilation, air-conditioning and refrigeration (HVAC&R)
Complete system of heating, ventilation, air-conditioning and refrigeration equipment, water cooling equipment, boiler rooms, heat exchange stations, compressed air facilities, including wiring and installation of control systems.

Technological media
Clean media:
- Distribution mains of demineralized water.
- Special technological gases.

Reactors, tanks, technological equipment, separators, etc.

BLOCK® special furnishings
Stainless working tables, perforated or washing tables, stainless sinks, washing troughs, metal racks, stainless mobile tables and handling cars.